
With your financial support, we can continue to provide essential services to newcomers to Canada, to strengthen individual, families and our community as a vital investment in advancing civil society. Your financial donations are primarily used to support our emergency shelter. You help provide food to families upon arrival to our shelter, as well as other essential housing items or minor repairs.

You can contribute in the following ways:

  • In person at our Welland office
  • Mail a cheque to our Welland office

Thank you for supporting the WHC&MC with a gift. Thank you on behalf of all of the many migrant, refugee, and newcomer families that we serve. With over 35 years of service we are mindful of the need to secure our future for the next 35 years and beyond.

Planned Giving & Endowment Program and ways to become part of the exclusive Yvette Ward Society (Founder of the WHC&MC). Please call 905 732 5337 ext 125 for more information.